ACT Graduates Program in London & Woodstock
Accrediting Counsellors and Therapists Graduate Program (ACT-G) Individual Sessions
The ACT-G Program encourages you to continue to connect with our graduating interns as they continue on their journey. Please have a look at our list of new graduates and connect with us by filling out the registration page on our website.
You can connect with our graduated interns by participating in one hour sessions at $90.00 per session or dividing your session in two for a total of $45.00 per 1/2 hour session.
Please register below including the $90 fee per session.
Please fill out the form below, along with clicking the yellow ‘Buy Now’ button to complete your registration. Thank you.
Accrediting Counsellors and Therapists Graduate Program (ACT-G) Group Sessions
The ACT-G program also offers the opportunity to register for our Wellness Group sessions. Our Wellness group program resonates with diverse groups of people, building community, fostering resiliency and encouraging self-reflection.
Join monthly at $25.00 per session for an even more economical way to learn, grow, discuss and connect.
Please register below including the $25 monthly fee.
Please fill out the form below, along with clicking the yellow ‘Buy Now’ button to complete your registration. Thank you.