Laurie Ponsford-Hill

London and Woodstock Counsellor Laurie Ponsford-Hill
Therapist Profile
Laurie Ponsford-Hill is a Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Marriage and Family Therapist (AAMFT/OAMHP), Certified Canadian Psychotherapist (CCPA), Registered Art Therapist (CATA), Accredited Family Mediator (OAFM), and a Registered Social Worker (OCSWSSW). She graduated from University of Toronto in 2008 as a Minister/Pastoral counsellor and has graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario with a PhD in Human Relationships. She has worked as a Therapist for over many years with the majority of her time spent in private practice. She opened her private practice in 2005; sees children, teens, adults, families, couples, groups, organizations and businesses; and is one of the few counselling services that provides a wide range of services to her clients under one roof. Her private practice offers a variety of services including Mediation, Psychotherapy, Play Therapy, Art Therapy, Hypnosis, Parenting Skills Training, Parent Co-ordination, and Personal Skills development.
Laurie has extensive experience with individuals in conflict and regularly teaches collaborative problem solving skills to her clients. Laurie is currently expanding her private practice to include Mediation and Parent Co-ordination.
Mediation Services include: Seperation and Divorce Agreements, Family Disputes, Parenting Plans, Post-Divorce Issues and Elder Care Disputes.
Qualifications and Clinical Specialties
Compassion Fatigue for Healthcare, Mental Health and Caring Professionals Certification
AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Approved Supervisor
Registered Marriage and Family therapist
Registered Social Worker
Graduate of University of Toronto
Masters of Counselling Psychology
Life Skills and Organizational and Relationships Systems Coach Certificate
Registered Canadian Art Therapist
Family and Divorce Conflicts Training
Certified Anger Management and Domestic Abuse
Graduate Certificate in Addictions
Accredited Family Mediator
Qualified Mediator/Arbitrator (parenting coordinator)
Certified Canadian Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Certified hypnotherapist
Certified Neuro-Linguistic Processing Practitioner
Certified Eye Movement and Desensitization Processing (EMDR) Practitioner
EMDR – Child Specialist
Critical Incidence Stress Management (CISM) Training for Individuals and Groups
Advanced Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist (EFT)
Pastoral Counsellor
Ordained Non-Denominational Minister
Clinical Supervisor
Certified Nutritional and Integrative Therapist